Gl Graph
Gl Graph Source of main.cpp
#include <main.h> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <unordered_map> #include <glxwin.h> #include <glutwin.h> #include <glimagerenderer.h> #include <drawableset.h> #include "mathfunctiondrawable.h" #include "lines2d.h" #include "lines3d.h" #include "map3d.h" #include "coloredmap.h" #include "mapquad.h" #include <GL/glut.h> /** * parse paramater whose has the format : --key=value and store in the map **/ static void read_param(int argc, char *argv[], std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> * map) { for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { std::string arg(argv[i]); std::string param; std::string value; int pos = arg.find_first_of('=', 0); if (pos == -1) { param = arg; value = ""; } else { param = std::string(arg, 0, pos); value = std::string(arg, pos + 1, arg.length() - 1); } (*map)[param] = value; } } static void print_usage() { std::cout << "glgraph Usage :" << std::endl; std::cout << "--file[id]=/somepath/somefile or --stdin to specifie input data" << std::endl; std::cout << "--format=someformat where someformat is the formating string as used in scanf" << std::endl; std::cout << " default format is '%f;%f'" << std::endl; std::cout << " example of other format : '%f %*s %f'" << std::endl; std::cout << " example of other format : '%f %*20s %f'" << std::endl; std::cout << " example of other format : '%f %*20s %f'" << std::endl; std::cout << "--maxline=somenumber is the maximum proceded lines" << std::endl; std::cout << "--title=somewindowtitle is wished title of the window" << std::endl; std::cout << "--width=somewidth is wished width of the window" << std::endl; std::cout << "--heigh=someheigh is wished height of the window" << std::endl; std::cout << "--debug to print additionnal debug info" << std::endl; std::cout << "--glut to use Glut lib" << std::endl; std::cout << "--help display this help" << std::endl; } static void load(DrawableSet * set,std::string filename,std::string datatype,int maxline,std::string format,std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> & args) { DrawableDataReader * data=NULL; if (!datatype.empty()) { if ("Line3D") == 0) data = new Lines3D(&filename, &format, maxline,&args); else if ("Map3D") == 0) data = new Map3D(&filename, &format, maxline,&args); else if ("ColoredMap") == 0) data = new ColoredMap(&filename, &format, maxline,&args); else if ("MapQuad") == 0) data = new MapQuad(&filename, &format, maxline,&args); else if ("Line2D") == 0) data = new Lines2D(&filename, &format, maxline,&args); } else { data = new Lines2D(&filename, &format, maxline,&args); } data->startReadingThread(); switch (set->getElementNb()) { case 0: data->setColor(32,147,255); break;// blue case 1: data->setColor(71,255,102); break;// green case 2: data->setColor(255,252,32); break;// yellow case 3: data->setColor(255,49,13); break;// red case 4: data->setColor(73,240,255); break;// turcoise case 5: data->setColor(255,49,162); break;//pink default: data->setColor(1,1,1); break; } if (data==NULL) std::cout << "data error" << std::endl; else set->add(data); return; } static int main_internal(std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> & args) { DrawableSet set; std::string format; if (args.count("--format") == 0) format = std::string("%f;%f"); else format = args["--format"]; int maxline; if (args.count("--maxline") == 0) maxline = 5000; else maxline = atoi(args["--maxline"].c_str()); if (args.count("--stdin") == 1) { std::string filename = std::string("/dev/stdin"); std::string datatype=args["--data"]; load(&set,filename,datatype,maxline,format,args); } const int strSize = 10; char bufferfile [strSize]; char bufferdata [strSize]; for (int i=0; i<10; i++) { bzero(bufferfile,strSize); snprintf(bufferfile, strSize, "--file%01i", i); if( args.count(bufferfile) == 1) { std::string filename = args[bufferfile]; bzero(bufferdata,strSize); snprintf(bufferdata, strSize, "--data%01i", i); std::string datatype= args[bufferdata]; load(&set,filename,datatype,maxline,format,args); } } //MathFunctionDrawable * mathFunc = new MathFunctionDrawable(); //set.add(mathFunc); if (set.getElementNb()>0) { int width; int height; if (args.count("--width") == 1) width = atoi(args["--width"].c_str()); else width = 1024; if (args.count("--height") == 1) height = atoi(args["--height"].c_str()); else height = 400; if (args.count("--png") == 0) { bool debug = args.count("--debug") == 1; GlWindow *win; if (args.count("--glut") == 1) win = new GlutWin(width, height,debug); else win = new GlxWin(width, height,debug); win->init(&set); if (args.count("--title") == 0) win->setTitle("Graph"); else win->setTitle(args["--title"].c_str()); win->run(); } else { GlImageRenderer * renderer = new GlImageRenderer(width, height, args["--png"].c_str()); renderer->init(&set); set.waitUntilLoad(); renderer->run(); } } else { std::cout << "no input file" << std::endl; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> args; read_param(argc, argv, &args); int exit_status = EXIT_SUCCESS; if (args.count("--help") == 1) print_usage(); else exit_status = main_internal(args); return exit_status; }