Declare Variable
# basic assignment STR="Hello World!" echo $STR NUMBER=4 echo $NUMBER # warning : space must not be used here for variable assignment # this line will call programe 'NUMBER' with parameter '=' and '4' NUMBER = 4 # initialisation from other variable FIST_NAME="Linus" LAST_NAME="Torvalds" FULL_NAME=$FIST_NAME"_"$LAST_NAME # If variable not set or null, use default. ( VARIABLE is untouched ) FOO=${VARIABLE:-"Default value"} # If variable not set or null, set it to default. FOO=${VARIABLE:=default} # Equivalent to VARIABLE:=${VARIABLE:=default} : ${VARIABLE:="DEFAULT_VALUE"} # command substitution VAR=`echo 'hello world'` var=$(echo 'hello world') echo $VAR echo $var TXT_FILES=$(find . -name *.txt) echo $TXT_FILES # partial initialisation from cmd LOG_FILE=log_file_$(date +%Y_%m_%d).log # variable can be unset to clear the value unset VAR unset LOG_FILE
Variable and Operation
# integer operation # incrementation var=5 var=$((var + 1)) echo $var # div var=$((var / 2)) echo $var # Using post or pre increment/decrement operator ((var++)) echo $var ((--var)) echo $var # Using shorthand operator (( val2 += 60 )) echo $val2 # Calculate full mathematical expression val=$((10*5+15)) echo $val # floating-point operation with ‘bc’ command echo "1/3" | bc -l echo "scale=8; 2/3" | bc -l # compute pi = ( 4 * atan ( 1 ) ) echo "scale=100; 4*a(1)" | bc -l # concatenation foo='hello' bar='world !' var=$foo" "$bar echo $var
If ... Then ... Else If ... Else ... End If
# use -eq for equal # use -ge for greater or equal # use -gt for greater than # use -le for lower or equal # use -lt for lower than # see 'man test' for all case #set temperature temperature=28 if [ $temperature -ge 40 ] then echo "Burning" elif [ $temperature -ge 30 ] then echo "Hot" elif [ $temperature -ge 18 ] then echo "Warm" else echo "Cold" fi # easier way if [ ($temperature > 40) ] then echo "Burning" elif [ ($temperature > 30) ] then echo "Hot" elif [ ($temperature > 18) ] then echo "Warm" else echo "Cold" fi # string comparison ( v1 ) if [ "$VAR1" = "$VAR2" ]; then echo "Strings are equal." else echo "Strings are not equal." fi # string comparison ( v2 ) if [[ "$VAR1" == "$VAR2" ]]; then echo "Strings are equal." else echo "Strings are not equal." fi # string comparison ( v3 ) with && and || operator # cmd after '&&' is execute if the previous cmd succeeded # cmd after '||' is execute if the previous cmd failed [[ "string1" == "string2" ]] && echo "Equal" || echo "Not equal" # string comparison ( v4 ) with reg expresion if [[ "$FILE" =~ .*\.txt ]]; then echo "$FILE is a txt file" else echo "$FILE is not a txt file" fi # check that VAR is empty [[ -z $VAR ]] && echo "String is empty" # check that VAR is not empty [[ -n $VAR ]] && echo "String is not empty" # case for more complexe use case VAR="Arch Linux" case $VAR in "Arch Linux") echo -n "Arch" ;; Fedora | CentOS) echo -n "Red Hat" ;; esac # if file existe : see 'man test' for all case if [ -e $FILE ] then $FILE fi
Declare Loops
#Loop through number for I in 1 2 3 4 5 ; do echo $I ; date ; sleep 1 ;done for I in $(seq 1 100) ; do echo $I ; date ; sleep 1 ;done for i in {1..100} do echo $I date sleep 1 done # c synctax for (( I=1; I<=5; I++ )) do echo $I date sleep 1 done #Loop through Files for FILE in *; do # do something with $FILE echo "File: $FILE" done #For more control, use /usr/bin/file for FILE in $(find ./ -name *.html -type f); do # do something with $FILE echo "HTML File: $FILE" done #Loop through Lines in a File while read LINE; do # do something with $LINE echo "Line: $LINE" done < /etc/hosts #Loop through Words in a File for WORD in $(cat /etc/hosts); do # do something with $WORD echo "Word: $WORD" done #Loop through Characters in a File while read -n1 CHAR; do # do something with $CHAR echo "Character: $CHAR" done < /etc/hosts #Loop through file *.log and rename it to *.txt for F in $(find . -name *.log) do echo $F mv $F ${F%.log}.txt done #Loop through server for s in server1 server2 server3 do echo "Server ${s}: $(ssh username@${s} hostname)" done
Bash Trap : Control+C to exit script
Use the Bash builtin trap command to catch system signals. trap define the callback function.
#!/bin/bash control_c_callback() { echo -en "Exiting \n" cleanup exit } # trap keyboard interrupt trap control_c_callback SIGINT # main() loop while true; do read x; done