Gl Graph
Gl Graph Source of glxwin.cpp
#include <glxwin.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "X11/keysymdef.h" #include <time.h> #include <unistd.h> static void print_event(int type) { switch (type) { case KeyPress: printf("KeyPress"); break; case KeyRelease: printf("KeyRelease"); break; case ButtonPress: printf("ButtonPress"); break; case ButtonRelease: printf("ButtonRelease"); break; case MotionNotify: printf("MotionNotify"); break; case EnterNotify: printf("EnterNotify"); break; case LeaveNotify: printf("LeaveNotify"); break; case FocusIn: printf("FocusIn"); break; case FocusOut: printf("FocusOut"); break; case KeymapNotify: printf("KeymapNotify"); break; case CreateNotify: printf("CreateNotify"); break; case DestroyNotify: printf("DestroyNotify"); break; case UnmapNotify: printf("UnmapNotify"); break; case MapNotify: printf("MapNotify"); break; case MapRequest: printf("MapRequest"); break; } printf("\n"); } static Bool WaitForNotify(Display *dpy, XEvent *event, XPointer arg) { return (event->type == MapNotify) && (event->xmap.window == (Window) arg); } static Bool CheckEvent(Display *dpy, XEvent *event, XPointer arg) { GlxWin * win = (GlxWin *) arg; if (win->isDebug()) print_event(event->type); switch (event->type) { case ClientMessage: if ((int) event->[0] == (int) win->getDeleteMsg()) { win->processCloseEvent(); } break; case ConfigureNotify: win->processResizeEvent(event->xconfigurerequest.width, event->xconfigurerequest.height); break; case ButtonPress: win->processButtonPress(event->xbutton.x, event->xbutton.y, event->xbutton.state, event->xbutton.button); break; case ButtonRelease: win->processButtonRelease(event->xbutton.x, event->xbutton.y, event->xbutton.state); break; case MotionNotify: win->processMotion(event->xmotion.x, event->xmotion.y, event->xmotion.state); break; case KeyPress: KeySym key; char buffer[20]; int buffer_size = sizeof (buffer); XComposeStatus status_in_out; XLookupString((XKeyEvent*) event, buffer, buffer_size, &key, &status_in_out); if (key == XK_Escape) win->processButtonPressEscape(); else if (key == XK_Left) win->processButtonLeft(); else if (key == XK_Right) win->processButtonRight(); else if (key == XK_Up ) win->processButtonUp(); else if (key == XK_Down) win->processButtonDown(); else if (key <= XK_F12 && key >= XK_F1) win->processButtonPressFX(key); else if (isalpha(buffer[0])) { if (win->isDebug()) printf("isalpha keycode : %s\n", buffer); win->processButtonPressChar(buffer[0]); } else if (win->isDebug()) printf("key press keycode %s\n", buffer); break; } return True; } int singleBufferAttributess[] = { GLX_DRAWABLE_TYPE, GLX_WINDOW_BIT, GLX_RENDER_TYPE, GLX_RGBA_BIT, GLX_RED_SIZE, 1, /* Request a single buffered color buffer */ GLX_GREEN_SIZE, 1, /* with the maximum number of color bits */ GLX_BLUE_SIZE, 1, /* for each component */ GLX_DEPTH_SIZE, 2, None }; int doubleBufferAttributes[] = { GLX_DRAWABLE_TYPE, GLX_WINDOW_BIT, GLX_RENDER_TYPE, GLX_RGBA_BIT, GLX_DOUBLEBUFFER, True, /* Request a double-buffered color buffer with */ GLX_RED_SIZE, 1, /* the maximum number of bits per component */ GLX_GREEN_SIZE, 1, GLX_BLUE_SIZE, 1, GLX_DEPTH_SIZE, 2, None }; GlxWin::GlxWin(unsigned int width, unsigned int height) : GlWindow(width,height) { } GlxWin::GlxWin(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, bool debug) : GlWindow(width,height,debug) { } Atom GlxWin::getDeleteMsg() { return wmDeleteMessage; } void GlxWin::processButtonPressFX(int key) { switch (key) { case XK_F1: this->processButtonPressF1(); break; case XK_F2: this->processButtonPressF2(); break; case XK_F3: this->processButtonPressF3(); break; case XK_F4: this->processButtonPressF4(); break; case XK_F5: this->processButtonPressF5(); break; case XK_F6: this->processButtonPressF6(); break; case XK_F7: this->processButtonPressF7(); break; case XK_F8: this->processButtonPressF8(); break; case XK_F9: this->processButtonPressF9(); break; case XK_F10: this->processButtonPressF10(); break; case XK_F11: this->processButtonPressF11(); break; case XK_F12: this->processButtonPressF12(); break; } } static MouseButton convertButtonEnum(unsigned int state) { MouseButton button; if (state==Button1) { button=MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT; } else if (state==Button2) { button=MOUSE_BUTTON_MIDDLE; } else if (state==Button3) { button=MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT; } else if (state==Button4) { button=MOUSE_BUTTON_MIDDLE_UP; } else if (state==Button5) { button=MOUSE_BUTTON_MIDDLE_DOWN; } else button= MOUSE_NO_BUTTON; return button; } static ModifierButton convertModifierEnum(unsigned int state) { ModifierButton mod; if (state & ShiftMask) { mod= SHIFT_MODIFIER; } else if (state & LockMask) { mod= LOCK_MODIFIER; } else if (state & ControlMask) { mod= CTRL_MODIFIER ; } else if (state & Mod1Mask) { mod= ALT_MODIFIER; } else mod= NO_MODIFIER; return mod; } void GlxWin::processButtonPress(int x, int y, unsigned int state, unsigned int button) { currentButton =convertButtonEnum(button); ModifierButton mod = convertModifierEnum(state); onMouseButtonPress(x,y,currentButton,mod); } void GlxWin::processButtonRelease(int x, int y, unsigned int state) { ModifierButton mod = convertModifierEnum(state); onMouseButtonRelease(x,y,currentButton,mod); currentButton=MOUSE_NO_BUTTON; } void GlxWin::processMotion(int x, int y, unsigned int state) { ModifierButton mod = convertModifierEnum(state); onMouseMotion(x,y,currentButton,mod); } void GlxWin::initGl() { /* Open a connection to the X server */ dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL); if (dpy == NULL) { printf("Unable to open a connection to the X server\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } char * ServerVendor = XServerVendor(dpy); if (ServerVendor != NULL) { printf("ServerVendor %s \n", ServerVendor); } else { printf("Unable get ServerVendor\n"); } char * DisplayString = XDisplayString(dpy); if (DisplayString != NULL) { printf("DisplayString %s \n", DisplayString); } else { printf("Unable get DisplayString\n"); } printf("X %i Y %i\n", XDisplayWidth(dpy, 0), XDisplayHeight(dpy, 0)); printf("width %i height %i\n", width, height); int numReturned; /* Request a suitable framebuffer configuration - try for a double ** buffered configuration first */ fbConfigs = glXChooseFBConfig(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy), doubleBufferAttributes, &numReturned); if (fbConfigs == NULL) { /* no double buffered configs available */ fbConfigs = glXChooseFBConfig(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy), singleBufferAttributess, &numReturned); swapFlag = False; } else { swapFlag = True; } /* Create an X colormap and window with a visual matching the first ** returned framebuffer config */ vInfo = glXGetVisualFromFBConfig(dpy, fbConfigs[0]); swa.border_pixel = 0; int key_mask = KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | PointerMotionMask; swa.event_mask = StructureNotifyMask | key_mask; swa.colormap = XCreateColormap(dpy, RootWindow(dpy, vInfo->screen), vInfo->visual, AllocNone); swaMask = CWBorderPixel | CWColormap | CWEventMask; xWin = XCreateWindow(dpy, RootWindow(dpy, vInfo->screen), 0, 0, width, height, 0, vInfo->depth, InputOutput, vInfo->visual, swaMask, &swa); /* Create a GLX context for OpenGL rendering */ context = glXCreateNewContext(dpy, fbConfigs[0], GLX_RGBA_TYPE, NULL, True); /* Create a GLX window to associate the frame buffer configuration ** with the created X window */ win = glXCreateWindow(dpy, fbConfigs[0], xWin, NULL); /* Map the window to the screen, and wait for it to appear */ XMapWindow(dpy, xWin); XIfEvent(dpy, &event, WaitForNotify, (XPointer) xWin); wmDeleteMessage = XInternAtom(dpy, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False); XSetWMProtocols(dpy, xWin, &wmDeleteMessage, 1); /* Bind the GLX context to the Window */ glXMakeContextCurrent(dpy, win, win, context); } void GlxWin::initAfterGl(DrawableSet * set) { GlWindow::initAfterGl(set); if (scene->getVersion()->hasGlEXTENSION("GLX_EXT_swap_control") ) { typedef void (*glXSwapIntervalEXTPtr)(int); glXSwapIntervalEXTPtr glXSwapInterval = (glXSwapIntervalEXTPtr) glXGetProcAddress((const GLubyte*)"glXSwapIntervalEXT"); glXSwapInterval(-1); } } void GlxWin::setTitle(const char* title) { name.value = (unsigned char*) title; name.encoding = XA_STRING; name.format = 8; name.nitems = strlen(title); XSetWMName(dpy, xWin, &name); } void GlxWin::swapBuffers() { if (swapFlag) glXSwapBuffers(dpy, win); } void GlxWin::checkEvent() { while (XCheckIfEvent(dpy, &event, CheckEvent, (XPointer) this)); } void GlxWin::destroyWindow() { XDestroyWindow(dpy, xWin); } void GlxWin::run() { const int delay = lrint(1000000.0 / 60.0); unsigned int t = 0; while (!stopped) { if (this->helpTextMode) drawHelpText(); else drawAll(); usleep(delay); swapBuffers(); checkEvent(); t = t + 1; } destroyWindow(); }